Is Yours a Healthy Body Weight?

Jake is a jock with a glorious six-pack. Oh sure, he puts in his time, playing basketball and working out at the gym five or six times a week, but good genes are also on his side. He is one of those lucky guys with a naturally muscular physique. Jake is 6 feet tall and […]
Food Sensitivities: What’s a Vegan Supposed to Do?

Food sensitivities – the umbrella term for both food allergies and intolerance – can affect anyone. Food-sensitive vegans, however, may face even more difficult challenges than omnivores because common vegan allergens, such as nuts, seeds, soy and wheat, contribute important nutrients to the vegan diet. For this reason, when building a healthful vegan diet, it […]
Defeating Diabetes on the Marshall Islands and at Home

Imagine children gobbling up ramen noodles with dry Koolaid powder sprinkled on top for breakfast; adults eating cake donuts or pancakes prepared with a cup of sugar and smothered in syrup, and families dining on white rice and meat for lunch and dinner every day. What kind of meat? Spam, canned corned beef, chicken, fish, […]